Stepping Up shares practical approaches to improving equity in architecture and built environment practices. It offers an opportunity to build knowledge and to facilitate exchanges of experiences, ideas and expertise. Check out the resources shared and reflections offered, and watch the spirited, honest conversations about experiences gained, challenges encountered and progress made on equity – with CPD.
Stepping Up is an event & editorial collaboration between Parlour, the Association of Consulting Architects and the Champions of Change Architecture Group. This is an ongoing project and more resources, articles and recordings will be added over time. Explore the topics via the links below.
On navigating economic downturns
Equity is not just for the good times.
On presenteeism & sustainable hours
Long hours are a key challenge in the profession. The Champions of Change work on presenteeism aims to address the cultures that enable these working patterns, through supporting open discussion within practices.
On power & privilege
Power and privilege shape careers, accelerating the career path for some and inhibiting others. A survey of the demographics of practice leaders offers insight into the mechanisms of privilege. The associated discussion paper offers recommendations for how leaders can use their power to improve equity for others.
On pay equity & pay gaps
Pay gaps are a significant index of inequity and power imbalances in workplaces and the profession as a whole. Pay equity is a core issue and a fundamental part of reducing the pay gap.
On safety & wellness
Psychological safety is essential to workplaces in which everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
On women in ownership
Addressing the structural barriers to ownership is fundamental to ensuring women are equitably represented the ownership of Australian architecture and design firms. This is, in turn, a crucial part of improving gender equity in the profession.
The Last Mile
Listen to The Last Mile, a podcast of interviews with six women about pathways to ownership, the people who sponsored them to cover the last mile, and their own sponsorship practices.
On career sponsorship
How can we best use our power and influence to enhance and accelerate the careers of others? Sponsorship provides a framework for collaborative career development that, done well, supports concrete outcomes and advancement.
For complementary material, listen in to The Last Mile podcast.
On career development
Clarity and transparency are fundamental to equitable career planning and progression within practices, and yet processes are too-often unknown, opaque or entirely absent. The Champions of Change Architecture Group has developed practical tools to support career development within practices.
On flexibility
Flexibility is a core enabler of equity in the workplace. The Champions of Change Architecture Group has some extensive work on flex policies and developing procedures, processes and workplace cultures to enable them. They share resources and experiences.
On parental & carers leave
Good parental leave policies support all parents and help create an equitable workplace that allows everyone to lead a balanced life, with time for families, and time to commit to projects, practice life and career.
On preventing & responding to harassment / family & domestic violence
Transparency, respect and trust are essential to preventing harassment in the workplace. Policies and processes must promote safety and hold perpetrators to account.
On mentoring
Mentoring helps individuals develop their careers and navigate the world of work. It helps transfer knowledge across generations, improves the skills of mentors and mentees, and builds practice and professional cultures. Learn how to create an effective program and follow up on resources available elsewhere.
On leadership
What does it mean to step up on equity? Improving equity and culture within architectural offices starts at the top, so what should leaders do? The Champions of Change Listening and Learning framework provides a useful approach, with an emphasis in on listening first to ensure that actions are meaningful.