Watch this important discussion about overcoming the structural and cultural challenges to women attaining ownership positions in larger practices – an essential discussion with Brett Hudson of Peddle Thorp, Ninotschka Titchkosky of BVN and Gordana Milosevska of Management for Design in conversation with Angelina Pillai and Justine Clark.

Purchase access to the full recording via Vimeo on demand below (+ CPD).

The value of transparency – bonus footage from after the event.

Women are a mere 12% of the owners of medium and large Australian architectural practices (those employing over twenty people ) – according to the 2021 Census. This is just 52 women – just 5% of all women owners! What is going on? What are the impediments to ownership in larger businesses? How can these be addressed – in terms of structures and systems, and professional cultures and habits?

The Champions of Change Architecture Group has explored this from two angles. One Action Group has surveyed senior women within larger practices to understand the challenges faced and examined structural problems in terms of ownership models and agreements. The result is a comprehensive set of recommendations. A second project has conducted eight interviews with women in equity ownership positions, discussing the role of sponsorship in helping them navigate ‘the last mile’ to ownership.

Watch to find out more and to hear from three leaders about strategies for change.

Watch the full recording

Purchase access to the full video via our Vimeo on demand channel or click the top right corner of the video above to purchase access.

  • $25 Parlour Collective / ACA (use the promo code CollectiveACA at the Vimeo checkout).
  • $50 General
  • $11 Concession (students and anyone else who needs it – use the promo code CONC at the Vimeo checkout.)

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One hour of formal CPD on completion of the CPD questions. See here for the series Learning Objectives for the series as a whole.

Once the questions are completed, you will receive an email from Google forms with your responses. Please keep this – it provides the evidence of attendance and completion. Please note, separate CPD certificates will not be issued. If you can’t find the email, remember to check your spam folder and whitelist in your email system.

This session was recorded live on 11 September 2023. Stepping Up is a collaboration between Parlour, the Champions of Change Architecture Group and the Association of Consulting Architects.