Watch the first Deadly Aunties Yarn with Deadly Djurumin. Danièle Hromek yarns with Aunty Jacinta Tobin, a Buruberongal, Warmuli Elder of the Dharug nation, about their collaborative project to countermap Dharug Country.

Get started by reading the session description below and watching the trailer – Danièle explains the idea of countermapping.


1 formal point on completion of the CPD questions.
Refer to the Learning Objectives for Deadly Djurumin Yarns.

$60 General
$40 Parlour Collective
$20 Concession

Note: all ticket prices are per person. We offer additional group discounts for Parlour Collective practices as follows:

  • 10–19 tickets – 5% additional discount 
  • 20–49 tickets – 10% additional discount
  • 50+ tickets – 15% additional discount

Make sure you are logged in to your account to access all Parlour Collective pricing. Group discounts are applied automatically. 

Proceeds above the costs of delivering the DD Yarns program support the work of Deadly Djurumin. 

If you represent an Aboriginal organisation please contact Parlour to obtain access at no cost.

Purchase access to the full recording via Vimeo on demand. (See below for Parlour Collective and concession codes, along with CPD details.)

Countermapping with Country

Our Aunties are phenomenal, we want you to meet them! Deadly Djurumin are excited to introduce a new series within our yarn program: Deadly Aunties. Our Elders guide us and share their knowledge and wisdom at appropriate times. Working with Elders in built projects grounds us in our relationships, and drives the purpose and intent of our work. Our work together with our Elders ensures genuine built outcomes for Country, culture and community. This series brings our female Elders, our Aunties, to discuss our relationships with each other, how we work, and our built environment projects.

The first Deadly Aunties Yarn is with Aunty Jacinta Tobin, a Buruberongal, Warmuli Elder of the Dharug nation. Danièle and Aunty Jacinta have worked together over some years on a project to countermap Dharug Country. Countermapping refers to the use of cartographic tools and maps to correct imbalances or denounce injustice. It is a remapping to allow those voices that have often been silenced by dominant power structures to be elevated in a way that makes sense to those voices. Countermapping is cartography that lets the powerless speak, provides the opportunity to tell the unheard stories of place. We use countermapping of Dharug Country as part of our work to masterplan with Dharug lands and waters to support Aunty Jacinta and her family and broader community’s aspirations for their Country.


  • $38 Parlour Collective (To access this use the promo code Collective at checkout).
  • $50 General
  • $11 Concession (Anyone who needs it – students, those not working, part-timers etc. To access this use the promo code Concession at checkout.)

We operate on an honesty system – select the ticket type that aligns with your circumstances. If you haven’t yet joined the Parlour Collective, join now to access discount pricing and many other benefits, and to support Parlour’s ongoing work!

Proceeds above the costs of delivering the DD Yarns program support the work of Deadly Djurumin. If you represent an Aboriginal organisation or a teaching institution, please contact Parlour to obtain access at no cost.


One hour of formal CPD on completion of the CPD questions. See here for the series Learning Objectives for the series as a whole.

Once the questions are completed, you will receive an email from Google forms with your responses. Please keep this – it provides the evidence of attendance and completion. Please note, separate CPD certificates will not be issued. If you can’t find the email, remember to check your spam folder.

The Deadly Djurumin Yarns are a collaboration between Deadly Djurumin and Parlour. This yarn was recorded online on 1 December 2022.