Wandering through Te Papa Tongarewa: Museum of New Zealand the other day I came across one of the Guerrilla Girls’ great posters, The Advantages of Being a Woman Artist from 1989.

On their website they comment: “This is one of our all-time favorites, which we did to encourage female artists to look on the sunny side. Women all over the world, not just artists, identify with it. One sent us $1,000 to run it as an ad in Artforum, a top U.S. art magazine.”
I identified too – so many similarities to architecture. But not quite the same. Posting my snapshot to Instagram I asked “Anyone want to come up with an architectural version”. Tania Davidge got the ball rolling:
1. Being able to laugh at architecture’s ‘serious face’. Loudly. Sometimes with an inadvertent snort.
So, with apologies to, and in honour of, the Guerrilla Girls, I propose that we come up with our own list. I am not sure we’ll be able to match “Getting your picture in the art magazines wearing a gorilla suit”, but let’s have a go.
Add your ‘advantages’ in to the comments below – or send them to me at hello@parlour.org.au
Have fun!
Melonie says:
Oct 25, 2014
2. Not having to sit in boring meetings with those top tier developers.
janecameron says:
Oct 26, 2014
I have clients, mainly female, who prefer to work with a female architect for their domestic project.