Michelle Blakeley and Leonie Matthews chat about their fascinating careers across different disciplines, the benefits of wider knowledge and life experience, and the journeys in unexpected places that led them to architecture.
Our speakers for this episode are Perth architects Michelle Blakeley and Leonie Matthews.
Leonie and Michelle speak about their mirror experiences of exploring other fields of work, and how they have transferred their skills and lessons learned to architecture.
Experience in nursing provided Leonie with discipline and empathy, while teaching taught her listening skills and the ability to articulate and review work. Advertising and journalism taught Michelle a client-focused approach, the value of nurturing relationships and the importance of communication skills. They detail how their journeys in unexpected places led to their personal growth and career trajectories in architecture.

This episode was recorded live on Whadjuk Nyoongar Country at the Perth Autumn Salon. Held at the Brickworks Design Studio on 26 May 2022, it was organised by Suzie Hunt and run in collaboration with #WorkWomenWisdom. Photographs: Kate Drennan.