Established in 2015, the Architects Male Champions of Change foundation group has developed a range of strategies and resources specifically targeted for architectural practices. The MCC is now making these available to the broader architectural community to support other practices of all scales.

Male Champions of Change tools

All roles flex

Two documents support the introduction and implementation of All Roles Flex policies:

Authentic Engagement

Authentic Engagement outlines a practical approach to developing meaningful networks and building the profile of employees at every stage of their career. It focuses on two aspects: increasing meeting attendance for all employees with gender parity checks and changing the perception and understanding of networking across the workplace.

Leadership Shadow

The concept of the ‘leadership shadow’ turns attention to the impact of individual leaders and the ‘shadow’ they cast on around around them. The Leadership Shadow model acknowledges that the path to lasting performance improvement starts at the top – with what leaders say; how they act; what they prioritise; and how this is  measured – and helps leaders to build awareness of the role they play and the impact they have on gender diversity.

  • Leadership Shadow provides a summary of the Male Champions of Change and Chief Executive Women 360 leadership review process and tailors it for architectural practice.