Transform was a fantastic success and we would like to thank everyone involved – we have had some wonderful feedback and look forward to continuing the conversation (not to mention shaking up the profession!)
- All images by Jonathan Butler.
We will reflect more on the day in coming weeks, but in the meantime here are a few recaps.
I have collected tweets from the day via Storify, which has since gone.
We are also thrilled that Talina Edwards, Shelley Freeman, Phuong Le, The Red and Black Architect and Bobby Shen have all blogged about the event. If you have blogged elsewhere, or would like to post your own thoughts here, please do get in touch.
Tania Davidge has also done a good, long interview with Lori Brown, our keynote speaker, published on ArchitectureAU.
Transform was reviewed by Niki Kalms in Architecture Australia, by Sam Spurr in Places magazine, and by Jacqui Connor at the EMAGN website.
And Transform was reviewed by The Architects on RRR, along with an excellent interview with Lori Brown. You can podcast the entire program here, or listen to the interview with Lori here.
The videos of the sessions are online via the University of Melbourne, our wonderful hosts for the day. Jonathan Butler took some great photographs, we have included a selection here.
So, what next?
The event generated a great deal of energy and enthusiasm, and it feels like there is real hope for the future of the profession and our place in it! One of the good things about having the event in the middle of our research project is that there are more things planned and underway that we hope you will participate in. Let’s keep the momentum going.
Draft Parlour Guidelines to Equitable Practice
These are online here and are aimed at helping workplaces facilitate change towards a more equitable profession. Addressed to both employers and employees, they will provide hints and tips, and guides to thinking on a range of issues relevant to architecture in Australia today.
We are keen to have your input and feedback as we develop them. So please have a look and fill out the feedback forms!
Marion’s List
We are well underway with making Marion’s List. This public register will convey the richness and depth of involvement of women in architecture and encourage further participation in architecture’s public culture. But it will only work if you all participate.
Contribute to Parlour
We are always keen to hear from potential contributors. In particular we would love to have a series of reflections on the topics discussed at Transform – if you have something to say please get in touch! You can email us at
Other initiatives
We are also exploring a few other ideas – again make sure you are signed up to Parlour so we can keep you informed as these develop.
I know many of you also have ideas and plans you are keen to pursue yourself – if you do get going with your own initiatives let us know, we can help you publicise them with a post on Parlour.