We have an excellent session planned at the first Sydney Salon for 2023. Join us for an energetic conversation with Hiral Patel and Rebecca McLaughlan about research, design and much more. See you at Hayball on 7 March.

We are very lucky to have Hiral Patel joining us from Cardiff, UK for a conversation with Rebecca McLaughlan. Hiral and Rebecca are both architects who have moved into the world of research and explore the impacts of design on those who use buildings, and the role of research in improving design outcomes.
Rebecca has undertaken extensive work investigating how the built environment supports psychological wellbeing within healthcare spaces. She is fascinated by the relationship of design evidence to the practice of architecture. Hiral’s research includes learning environments and the changing nature of work. She has curated the DEGW archive and is co-author of the third edition of ‘Integrative Briefing for Better Design‘ along with Fiona Young, Alastair Blythe and John Worthington.
6–8pm, Tuesday, 7 March 2023
Ground Floor, 11-17 Buckingham Street
Sydney 2010
Everyone! People of all genders, emerging or established, practitioner or those active in architecture and the built environment in other ways – we hope all will join us. We particularly encourage people to make new connections with people at different stages of their careers.
This is a free event, but numbers are limited. Please book below. (If you have trouble with the form below, head to the Trybooking page.)