‘… And What About the Men’ is a counterpart to the first Parlour survey, ‘Where do all the women go?’ It asked who are the men of Australian Architecture and what do they do? How are their roles and experiences similar and how are they different?

Together the surveys give substantial insight into the industry and the profession.

Both surveys take an expanded view of what architectural activity can be – it might include practice, academia, research, advocacy, government, policy, regulation, project management, media, allied built environment disciplines and much more. We are also interested to know about men abroad with backgrounds in Australian architecture, and about those who have ‘left’ architecture.

If you would like to contact us about the survey please email us at hello@parlour.org.au

The fine print

Any information you provide will not be linked to you personally in its public dissemination. The survey results will be reported primarily as statistical averages. Please be aware that information gathered from free text fields might also be reproduced in publications resulting from the survey. However, these will not be attributed to specific respondents and no potentially identifying information will be given, unless approved by the individual in follow up discussions.

The results of the survey may be used by members of the Australia Research Council­-funded project ‘Equity and Diversity in the Australian Architecture Profession’, led by Naomi Stead of the University of Queensland. This study has been cleared by one of the human ethics committees of the University of Queensland in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council’s guidelines. You are, of course, free to discuss your participation in this study with project staff. If you would like to speak to an officer of the university not involved in the study you may contact the Ethics Officer on 07 3365 3924. 

Those interested in ethical clearance matters can download an information sheet on the survey here.

Submission of the survey constitutes your consent to participate.