Looking at the bigger picture, what is currently being done, and what more could be done, to support wellbeing within architectural education?
The wellbeing of architecture students is subject to pressures both within and outside of educational institutions. This panel, with John Doyle, Kate Hislop, Philip Oldfield, Kathy Waghorn and Blake Hillebrand discusses how care and student wellbeing can be foregrounded in educational frameworks, and through leadership from peak bodies, universities and student organisations.

Watch more from the Wellbeing of Architects symposium

Throwing out the playbook – Narelle Lemon on empowering students as agents of transformation.

Justine Clark, Tanya Awadallah, Darryl Suttie and Thihoa Gill explores strategies to improve architecture work cultures.

Jonathan Robberts’ keynote presentation explores ‘becoming’ in architecture amidst constraints and consumption.
Browse the full set of recordings.
Held at Collingwood Yards on 8–9 May 2024, the Wellbeing of Architects Symposium is an outcome of the Wellbeing of Architects research project. The education day was convened by Maryam Gusheh.
The films of these sessions were made by Shing Hei Ho. The production and release is supported by the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia. Photography: Alexander Salem.