Enjoy the warm and casual conversation as Hari Pliambas and Justine Brennan discuss their experiences and the potential of different scales of practice. This session is available as a podcast and video.
Our conversationalists for this episode are architects Hari Pliambas and Justine Brennan. Hari is a Director at Lyons and Justine is a director of Pop Architecture – she kindly stepped into the conversation at the last moment to replace her business partner Katherine who found herself isolating due to the pandemic.
This engaging discussion focuses on the impact and potential of practice scale in terms of careers, architectural opportunities and juggling family and practice. Hari and Justine share honest and insightful stories hitting all the important topics, including the challenges of not having enough time, juggling young children and work, getting buildings out there in a new practice, why being visible matters, mentoring and career progression in larger practices. The positive conclusion is that women now have more choices in relation to practice scale and that there is opportunity to be found in many different places.

This session was recorded live on Wurundjeri Country at the Melbourne Winter Salon. Held at the Brickworks Design Studio on 8 July 2021, it was organised by Justine Clark. Photographs: Alexander Salem, video Shing Hei Ho.