Iva Foscia & Alex Lawlor

Don’t miss this intimate, frank and funny conversation between good friends Alex Lawlor and Iva Foschia from the 2019 Melbourne Winter Salon.

Our conversationalists for this episode are Alex Lawlor and Iva Foschia. Iva is the founder and lead architect at IF Architecture. At the time of the recording, Alex was Executive Director of Property and Sustainability at the University of Melbourne.  She is now National Leader Urban Futures & Resilience at Architectus.

This fantastic chat begins with Iva and Alex talking about their friendship and shared history from work road trips taken together in 2004. They  track their diverging careers, discussing the differences and commonalities between small practice and large institutions. They share their experiences of being thrown in the deep end in early jobs, building resilience and gaining perspective along the way. Iva tells stories of working for hospitality clients, creating spaces that provide an amazing experience for the consumer. Alex describes reassessing her career goals in the context of children and a mortgage, and explains what can be achieved client-side within large institutions. She also talks about the importance of finding the value in spaces that others may not see. This conversation isn’t one to miss!

This session is from the 2019 Melbourne Winter Salon. It was recorded live on Wurundjeri Country at the Melbourne Brickworks Design Studio on 11 June 2019. Organised by Justine Clark, it was supported by Parlour Partner AWS. Photograph David Hyde.