Watch Lightening the Load: Design and cultural safety with Sarah Lynn Rees, Danièle Hromek and Kaylie Salvatori.

Get started by reading the session description below and watching the trailer – Kaylie on walking through a city that is working to erase your culture and identity.


1 formal point on completion of the CPD questions.
Refer to the Learning Objectives for Deadly Djurumin Yarns.

$60 General
$40 Parlour Collective
$20 Concession

Note: all ticket prices are per person. We offer additional group discounts for Parlour Collective practices as follows:

  • 10–19 tickets – 5% additional discount 
  • 20–49 tickets – 10% additional discount
  • 50+ tickets – 15% additional discount

Make sure you are logged in to your account to access all Parlour Collective pricing. Group discounts are applied automatically. 

Proceeds above the costs of delivering the DD Yarns program support the work of Deadly Djurumin. 

If you represent an Aboriginal organisation please contact Parlour to obtain access at no cost.

Purchase access to the full recording via Vimeo on demand. (See below for Parlour Collective and concession codes, along with CPD details.)

Lightening the Load

As built environment professions continue to build respect for First Nations Voices and Country there is an increased demand on First Nations Peoples to guide and provide leadership as well as increased demand to create culturally safe spaces.

In the fourth Deadly Djurumin Yarn, Sarah Lynn Rees, Danièle Hromek and Kaylie Salvatori explore the various impacts on First Nations Peoples both internally within the profession and externally in the spaces we create. We discuss what practitioners and clients can do to support First Nations Peoples by asking: What is cultural safety and cultural load? How can design contribute to making places that are culturally safe? And what is the potential of design and space to lighten the load?

Our speakers are incredibly generous and open throughout the session, sharing their personal stories and experiences, and helping the audience clearly understand what cultural safety and cultural load means for them.

Danièle explains how cultural safety provides environments in which all people are safe, there is no assault on identity and there is an understanding of a shared knowledge. As she puts it, “Dignity and being heard is a very important part of cultural safety”. Kaylie shares the emotions evoked when being “constantly bombarded with colonial history” on the streets of Sydney. The city is full of monuments to those people who colonised Australia and “actively erased Aboriginal culture and identity”. It’s confronting.

Both Kaylie and Danièle speak in detail about cultural load – an additional, often exhausting expectation to share cultural knowledge, training and advice with colleagues, clients and employers. It’s often an “invisible load” that is placed on top of the usual workload in practice, and can be overwhelming and exhausting. Sadly, adequate recognition for this work is often lacking. Our final yarn for 2021 was jampacked with advice for practitioners and is well worth a watch if you missed it on the day.


  • $38 Parlour Collective (To access this use the promo code Collective at checkout).
  • $50 General
  • $11 Concession (anyone who needs it – students, those not working, part-timers etc. To access this use the promo code Concession at checkout.)

We operate on an honesty system – select the ticket type that aligns with your circumstances. If you haven’t yet joined the Parlour Collective, join now to access discount pricing and many other benefits, and to support Parlour’s ongoing work!

Purchase access through Vimeo on demand, or via the video embedded above.

The proceeds will help support Deadly Djurumin activities. If you represent an Aboriginal organisation or a teaching institution, please contact Parlour to obtain access at no cost.


1 formal point on completion of the CPD questions.

Once completed, you will receive an email with your responses. This provides the evidence of attendance and completion for the session named at the top of this document. Please keep the response email for your records. It counts as your certificate. If you can’t find the email remember to check your spam folder.

The series-wide learning outcomes are as follows:

  • To increase knowledge of Country and Cultural Authority among built environment practitioners
  • To improve understanding of the roles and experiences of of Indigenous practitioners
  • To increase understanding of authorship in relation to cultural knowledge and the implications of this in design contexts
  • To develop understanding of working respectfully and effectively with Traditional Custodians and Knowledge Holders
  • To increase understanding of the impact of design projects on Country
  • To support respectful and meaningful communication

The Deadly Djurumin Yarns are presented as a collaboration between Parlour and Deadly Djurumin. This session was recorded online on Friday 3 December 2021.