The Parlour Inc launch was a fantastic, positive event full of ambition for a more equitable and robust profession. Peter Bennetts took some wonderful images for us! Enjoy!

Dulux Gallery ate the Melbourne School of Design, by JWA and NADAA.

Dulux Gallery at the Melbourne School of Design, by JWA and NADAA.


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Bridget Smyth, Alison Cleary, Justine Clark, Shelley Penn.


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Ann Lau, fabulous guest speaker.


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Emma Williamson, speaking about the National Committee for gender Equity, and announcing the Australian Institute of Architects as a major sponsor.

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Justine Clark announces “Parlour + Friends”.

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Launch of the crowd-funding campaign.

Thanks to everyone for a fantastic night, and for your ongoing support!

The launch of Parlour Inc was held on May 14 in the Dulux Gallery at the new Melbourne School of Design building. The event was generously hosted by the Melbourne School of Design and was held in collaboration with the National Committee for Gender Equity of the Australian Institute of Architects. Peter Bennetts kindly took the photos. Thanks to all involved.