The AA Dossier in the September 2014 issue of Architecture Australia looked at the state of gender equity in architecture in Australia.

Photograph Kelly Greenop
Edited by Naomi Stead, the dossier provided a precis of the research undertaken as part of the Equity and Diversity in the Australian Architecture Profession project.
We are pleased to republish the pieces from the dossier on Parlour:
- “The State of Gender Equity in Architecture in Australia: The research is in” by Naomi Stead
- “Who Counts” by Gill Matthewson
- “Where Do All the Women Go?” by Justine Clark
- “Not Just a “Women’s Problem” by Julie Willis
- “Why Do Women Leave?” by Karen Burns
- “Does Motherhood + Architecture = No Career?” by Sandra Kaji-O’Grady
- “How Do We Compare to Other Professions” by Amanda Roan and Gillian Whitehouse
- “Gender Equity in Architecture: What Can We Do” by Naomi Stead and Justine Clark