This Stepping Up session looks at career development, planning and progression, with a focus on tools to support transparent, manageable, inclusive processes within architectural practices. Watch this considered discussion with David Randerson of DKO, Thihoa Gill of Grimshaw and Brian Clohessy of BVN.
Get started by reading the session description below and watching the trailer.
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1 formal point on completion of the cpd questions.
Refer to the Learning Objectives for Stepping Up.
Purchase access to the full recording via Vimeo on demand. (See below for Parlour Collective and concession codes, along with CPD details.)
On Career Planning
Career progression in architecture is mysterious for many people, many practices have oblique processes (or none at all), while roles are often poorly defined. Some people are uncomfortable with the very idea of a ‘career’, preferring to frame their life in architecture as vocation.
This session explores the importance of clarity, transparency and equity in career planning and progression. It introduces the Role Descriptions toolkit developed by the Champions of Change Architecture Group. This can be used to create role descriptions, map equitable career advancement and identify areas for personal and professional development and aspiration. Competency levels can then be determined by business needs and can be used to map the whole practice’s capability to inform recruitment as well as training and mentoring programs.

Watch the follow up session Stepping Up on Career Development and find the resources discussed here.
For an early opinion piece on a similar topic, see Meaghan Dywer’s 2012 opinion piece on the need to better measure skills and experience.
Parlour Collective / ACA members – $25 (Use the promo code CollectiveACA at the Vimeo checkout)
General ticket – $40
Concession – $10 (Students, part-timers and anyone else who needs it. Use the promo code CONC at the Vimeo checkout)
We operate on an honesty system – select the ticket type that aligns with your circumstances. If you haven’t yet joined the Parlour Collective, join now to access discount pricing and many other benefits, and to support Parlour’s ongoing work! Any proceeds over and above the costs of delivering the Stepping Up program will be set aside for future equity projects led by Parlour.
One hour of formal CPD is available for each session, on completion of the CPD questions. See the learning objectives for the series as a whole.
Once completed, you will receive an email from Google forms with your responses. Please keep this – it provides the evidence of attendance and completion. Please note, separate CPD certificates will not be issued. If you can’t find the email, remember to check your spam folder.
Stepping Up is an event and editorial collaboration between Parlour, the ACA and the Champions of Change Architecture group. This session was recorded live on 12 September.