Anonymity and confidentiality are fundamental to the STOP! survey, and are essential components of the project’s approval by the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (refer to the Explanatory Statement).
Respondents are requested not to include any identifying information in their responses. If people do include such information, it will be ‘cleaned’ by the primary researcher prior to analysis.
This commitment to anonymity and confidentiality extends to the discussion of and related to the the STOP! Survey on other Parlour platforms. For example, if commenting on social media posts, we ask that you do not include identifying details of individuals or practices. We will need to remove any such material.
Parlour does not have the skills or resources to respond to specific complaints about individuals, practices or organisations, nor to offer detailed advice. There are, however, many professionals and organisations that are skilled and experienced in providing this kind of support.
We have assembled a range of materials to assist, including information about resources, where to report, and an overview of what to do if you are being harassed..
In the medium and long term we hope to collaborate with other organisations to develop industry-specific support. Indeed, part of the reason for conducting the survey is to provide an evidence base from which to build appropriate systems.
Any questions about the survey should be directed to the lead researcher, Dr Gill Matthewson gill.matthewson@monash.edu .
Concerns or complaints about the conduct of the project should be directed to the Executive Officer, Monash University Human Research Ethics (MUHREC) – refer to the Explanatory Statement for details.