Watch Parlour LAB 19, a challenging and rewarding session on designing for dementia and culture in residential care environments with Kate Swaffer and Yim Eng Ng.
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Developing the theme of care from LAB 16, this session explores what good design means in the context of residential care facilities. Watch this moving and insightful conversation about how culture and a holistic understanding of wellbeing can influence design with two key researchers, Yim Eng Ng and Kate Swaffer, in a conversation convened by Kali Marnane and Kelum Palipane.
Yim Eng Ng is a Senior Associate at Conrad Gargett and PhD candidate at The University of Queensland, who researches the design considerations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents in aged care homes.
Kate Swaffer, retired nurse, PhD Candidate at the University of South Australia, co-founder of Dementia Alliance International, and Disability Rights Campaigner, lives and researches the experiences of people living with dementia including collaborating in the development of a Dignity Manifesto of Design.

For resources and material, see the following:
- Kate’s website, featuring a blog post highlighting the best session she has attended (live or in person) in the last 15 years!
- The Institute for the Development of Human Arts resource library
- Alzheimer’s WA Dementia Enabling Environments
- How to design dementia-friendly care environments help sheet
- Adapting your home help sheet:
- University of Tasmania online course on Understanding Dementia
- Cultural considerations related to end of life care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
To read more about Kate’s research, see the following papers and reports:
- CRPD/C/5: Guidelines on deinstitutionalization, including in emergencies (2022)
- Dementia Justice, including a recent research project report and reparations principles
- Linda Steele and Kate Swaffer, “Reparations for Harms Experienced in Residential Aged Care“, Health and Human Rights Journal vol 24 no 2 (December 2022).
- Linda Steele, Kate Swaffer, Lyn Phillipson and Richard Fleming, “Questioning segregation of people living with dementia in Australia: an international human rights approach to care homes” Laws August 2019
- Linda Steele, Kate Swaffer, Lyn Phillipson and Richard Fleming, “Human rights and the confinement of people living with dementia in care homes” Health and Human Rights vol 22 No 1 (June 2020)
- Linda Steele, Kate Swaffer, Ray Carr Lyn Phillipson and Richard Fleming,“Ending confinement and segregation: Barriers to realising human rights in the everyday lives of people living with dementia in residential aged care“, Australian Journal of Human Rights, vol 26 2 (2020)
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- Parlour Collective – $11 (individuals and practices that have joined the Parlour Collective)
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This session was recorded live on 21 April, 2023.