Watch Debjani Sarkar and Lameesa Yousuf On the Verandah in a conversation about speaking up, confidence, authenticity and cross cultural communication – with Saneia Norton, Rashi Prashar and Mulki Suleyman.
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One hour of formal CPD on completion of the CPD questions.
See here for the Learning Objectives for the series.
Advocating for yourself
Communication styles and approaches vary widely – we might be softly spoken yet determined, vocal and direct, or reserved and reticent; we might operate by building consensus, by playing the devil’s advocate, or working quietly in the background. Cultural background is one factor that influences communication styles, and these qualities may be interpreted differently in different contexts and circumstances.
The second session of On the Verandah turns the conversation to communication. How can we speak up and advocate for ourselves in ways that align with and are strengthened by our cultural backgrounds? How can practices and teams cultivate environments in which everyone feels comfortable and confident to contribute, and which appreciate varied modes and styles of communication? How can we have difficult conversations in effective aways? How can we navigate cultural biases and assumptions? How do we make sure all voices are heard?
Watch Debjani Sarkar and Lameesa Yousuf in a lively conversation with Saneia Norton, Rashi Prashar and Mulki Suleyman.

On the Verandah aims to highlight the value of cultural background and intercultural literacy, within practice and beyond, and to create a space for discussions that focus on increasing access and opportunity for practitioners who are marginalised in multiple ways. This platform is a reminder to those who may feel under-represented within practice that they are not alone and that there is a way forward through advocating for each other.
This session was recorded live on 22 November 2024.