Watch our Light at the End of the Tunnel session exploring new models of practice and engagement – with Kieran Wong and Anna Maskiell in conversation with Ilana Razbash and Justine Clark.


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Refer to the Learning Objectives for Light at the End of the Tunnel.

$33 General
FREE Parlour Collective
$16.50 General concession

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Kieran Wong of The Fulcrum Agency and Anna Maskiell of Public Realm Lab are both directors of firms that explore new modes of practice, and seek to expand the type of work undertaken and the procurement models through which architects are engaged.

The 2020 series of Light at the End of the Tunnel was a collaboration between Parlour and Monash Architecture, and is supported by all our Parlour Partners. This session was held online 12.30–1.30pm AEDT, Friday 20 November 2020.