Parlour encourages all to participate in the important follow-up survey on work-related wellbeing.

Do you think that working in architecture has affected your wellbeing, for better or worse? If there are issues with work-related wellbeing in architecture, what are they, what is contributing to them, and has this changed in the last two years? Let the research team know!

The first Wellbeing of Architects survey conducted in 2021 generated a huge response and an important dataset. The second survey will enable the research team to track changes in wellbeing over the last two years.

This survey is for everyone – who completed the last survey and those completing the survey for the first time.

This follow-up survey is a very important component of the research project. It builds on the knowledge established through the first survey and focus groups, and on earlier and parallel work undertaken by other organisations. The outcome will be the most reliable and comprehensive set of data ever collected about wellbeing in the architecture profession. This will contribute to the development of resources, toolkits and practical advice – to help architectural practices, institutions and organisations to better support their people and create positive workplace cultures.

The survey is open until Tuesday 30 May 2023.

Participation is anonymous and confidential. Completing the survey will take around 15–20 minutes (it’s a little shorter than the last iteration) – so grab a cup of tea and settle in to contribute to better understanding and greater wellbeing in architecture!

More information about the Wellbeing of Architects project and publications can be found on the project website. The research team thanks everyone for their valuable contribution.