Late last year we celebrated the new Gender Equity Policy for the Australian Institute of Architects. Now its time to put it into action and make things happen.
The Institute has called for expressions of interest for its new Gender Equity Committee. If we want change in the profession any time soon we have to be the ones to make it happen – we need women and men to put their hand up and get involved.
The Role of the Committee is as follows.
- To develop potential initiatives (programs, activities, events, services or products) that can most effectively deliver outcomes related to each of the Principles set out in the Policy.
- To review existing and proposed Institute initiatives to ensure that, as far as possible, all Institute initiatives are consistent with the Principles.
- To coordinate, at a high level, the various programs and projects that are being undertaken at any time in relation to the Principles of the Policy.
- To act as a clearing house for feedback, comments, suggestions and complaints in relation to the Policy.
- To initiate, where required in relation to the Policy, research, surveys, focus groups and other consultation and information gathering exercises on gender equity.
- To advocate the principles of gender equity and equal opportunity to other stakeholder, industry and client groups, and to government.
- To communicate and disseminate the outputs of the committee to stakeholders.
- To develop, monitor and report to stakeholders on a series of key indicators that effectively measure progress in implementation of the Policy.
- To undertake regular review of the Policy.
- To make recommendations to the National Council and generally advise the Council on matters related to gender equity in the architecture profession and the Institute.
- To provide written reports on progress, activities and outcomes to all regular meetings of the National Council.
For information about how to participate see here.