Parlour is proud to support the yes campaign for a First Nations Voice to Parliament.

Embedding the Voice in the Constitution recognises the fundamental place of First Nations peoples in Australia’s history and offers an avenue for First Nations peoples to have meaningful input into decisions that directly affect their lives.
We also recognise that this is only a first step in the journey to Voice, Truth and Treaty for First Nations peoples. There is still much work to do.
Parlour advocates for equity and diversity in architecture and the built environment, and is committed to supporting First Nations peoples in their fight for equity, fairness and justice.
The Design Principles of the First Nations Voice to Parliament state that the Voice will be representative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, gender balanced and include youth.
Parlour aims to provide a ‘space to speak’ for First Nations peoples in the built environment through our ongoing event and editorial program and other activities. We are particularly proud to collaborate with Deadly Djurumin and provide a platform for the Deadly Djurumin Yarns. These online discussion events provide a forum for the voices of First Nations women and enable attendees to listen, learn and ask questions about understanding their responsibilities to the Countries, cultures and communities in which they live and work.
We encourage the Parlour community to support this essential first step in achieving fairness and equity.