The SA Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects has established A.MUSE – a network for female members to share their experiences and provide networking and mentoring opportunities. The network will meet informally every few months to encourage dialogue about issues facing female members of the profession. It will also provide the opportunity for members at different stages of their careers to share insights into the highlights and challenges they face along the way.

The name was developed by network members with Muse referring to inspirational women and also meaning to contemplate, reflect, dream……. The letter A referencing Architect and finally amuse to suggest a reference to fun and laughter which is of course very important!

A.MUSE has also started a Book Club to introduce another layer of conversation for members of the group, focusing on architectural culture, theory, history and even architectural adventure! The first book is The Australian Ugliness by Robin Boyd.

Other events we hope to make part of our annual program include an International Women’s Day Breakfast and a Women INPROFILE series to profile leading women within the architecture profession highlighting the career achievements and journeys of our Members. The group is also interested in aligning itself with women in other creative industries.

A highlight for the year to date was the International Women’s Day celebration held at the JamFactory with visual artist Annalise Rees and Angelique Edmonds, Engagement Leader 5000+, sharing stories on how architecture has influenced their work and career paths. The event was held amongst the Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor exhibition which features 100 stories of great Australian Women who have broken professional barriers and 100 brooches made in response to these stories by 100 of Australia’s most talented women jewellers.