Parlour is delighted to be working with the Cairns Architecture Festival to present A Marvel of Women! Join us for a lively discussion about the opportunities for women in architecture in the far north.

Open House Cairns, 2015. Photo: Narayan G.
Far North Queensland is a marvel – we have the largest percentage of women architects in Australia (well over 30%). Is this a statistical anomaly, or is architecture in the far north a more conducive environment for women to practice in? We often wonder: Why are we all here? How did we get here? How is it different from 30 years ago? What does this marvel of women mean for the built environment here?
Please join Parlour and the Australian Institute of Architects FNQ Member Group at the JCU Cairns Institute for a panel discussion to reflect on these questions – firstly among our panellists and then in conversation with the audience.
Our panellists are:
Deb Fisher of Fisher Buttrose Architects
Nancy Lau of Nancy Lau Architect
Sophie Hogben of Total Project Group architects
In a discussion chaired by Justine Clark of Parlour.
There will also be plenty of time to catch up – come along to swap stories and strategies, form new networks and revive older ones. The evening starts with a short presentation about Parlour and how you might get involved.
Everyone is welcome! Emerging or established, practitioner or those active in architecture and the built environment in other ways, women and men, we hope all will join us.
5.30–7.30 pm, Thursday 12 October
Cairns Institute
James Cook University, Smithfield Campus
14–88 McGregor Road
Smithfield, QLD 4878
Book online for this free event.
A Marvel of Women in supported by event sponsor Reynolds Polymer and Parlour Event Partner AWS. JCU has generously provided the venue as an inkind contribution.
The Cairns Architecture Festival is supported by Festival Partner, the Australian Institute of Architects, and Festival Sponsors Cairns Hardware, Cairns Regional Council, the Heritage Council and Reynold Polymer.
A Marvel of Women was initiated by Shaneen Fantin, and developed by the Cairns Architecture Festival team with Parlour.