The Multicultural Association of Property Professionals (MAPP) Inc. is a not-for-profit body established in Australia to address the cultural diversity gap in senior leadership in the property industry from ‘ground-up’. The executive committee members work for mid and top-tier organisations from the property industry including architecture, engineering, project management and legal firms.

Membership and engagement

Our members are junior, mid-level and senior professionals in property and construction from culturally diverse backgrounds who wish to develop their leadership and professional skills and expand their network. We use newsletters, Linkedin, Instagram and emails for communications. We also run regular events.

Motivation and aims

We established MAPP in late 2023. We found that there were systemic barriers for all levels to enter the industry and we observed a lack of cultural diversity at a leadership level.

Our aim is to create a platform, acknowledge and celebrate diversity in the property and construction industry by connecting and empowering professionals from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Activities and projects

We have established the group very recently. So far we have tried to create a safe and welcoming space for our professional community, organised educational events, and started a culturally diverse leadership spotlight program.

Future plans

We aim to develop a career pathway program through mentorship and sponsorship by conducting focus group sessions with educational, public and private organisations. These sessions aim to assess current programs addressing systemic barriers across all levels for industry entry and to enhance cultural diversity at leadership levels by understanding the underlying issues and sharing the proven methods.

Progress and challenges

To date, we have been fortunate to receive substantial support from individuals and leaders, mainly with multicultural backgrounds or who are actively working in this space, whose contributions have been invaluable in driving our initiatives forward. However, to fully realise our goals and foster an inclusive environment, we believe that increased practical support and active engagement from Anglo leaders will be essential. Their involvement will help bridge gaps, create a more holistic approach to diversity, and ensure that our efforts are truly representative of the broader community.

Advice to others

Once you have a core group, leverage their expertise and connections to help shape your mission and strategy. You’ll likely find many individuals and organisations willing to offer their support and collaborate on your initiatives. Cultivating these partnerships can provide valuable resources, insights, and advocacy power, making your efforts more effective and impactful. Additionally, engaging with existing networks and communities dedicated to equity can further amplify your reach and influence.


Pragya Gupta and Zamaneh Khoshdel


