Watch this key discussion about the roles of leaders in embedding long-term structural change within practices – with Philip Vivian, Managing Director of Bates Smart, Liz Westgarth, Managing Director of Hassell, and Allison Tsao of Humans Who Lead, in conversation with Monica Edwards and Justine Clark.

Get started by reading the session description below and watching the trailer – what does an equitable workplace look like to our speakers?

Purchase access to the full recording via Vimeo on demand below (+ CPD).

What does an equitable workplace look like to our speakers?


1 formal point on completion of the cpd questions.
Refer to the Learning Objectives for Stepping Up.

$45 General
$30 Parlour Collective
$25.50 General concession (on request)
$15 Collectice Concession

Note: all ticket prices are per person. We offer additional group discounts for Parlour Collective practices as follows:

  • 10–19 tickets – 5% additional discount 
  • 20–49 tickets – 10% additional discount
  • 50+ tickets – 15% additional discount

Make sure you are logged in to your account to access all Parlour Collective pricing. Group discounts are applied automatically. 

On leadership & structural change

Leadership is essential to serious progress on equity, but long-term, sustainable change is beyond any one person, no matter how knowledgeable or charismatic. Indeed, the WGEA Gender Strategy Toolkit notes that one of the characteristics of highly effective organisations is that “ongoing commitment to gender equality is unaffected by changes in leadership composition.”

So, how do leaders embed the structural change that will outlast them? What tools are available? How do they bring other people with them? What tactics and strategies are effective? What support is required? How are leaders held accountable? What are the indicators that an organisation has achieved a sustainable approach to equity, where gender equity is “simply part of how business is done, and how people work together – always”?

Watch to hear from three leaders about creating structural change.

Watch the full recording

Purchase access to the full video via our Vimeo on demand channel or click the top right corner of the video above to purchase access.

  • $25 Parlour Collective / ACA (use the promo code CollectiveACA at the Vimeo checkout).
  • $50 General
  • $11 Concession (students and anyone else who needs it – use the promo code CONC at the Vimeo checkout.)

We operate on an honesty system – select the ticket type that aligns with your circumstances. If you haven’t yet joined the Parlour Collective, join now to access discount pricing and many other benefits, and to support Parlour’s ongoing work!


One hour of formal CPD on completion of the CPD questions. See here for the series Learning Objectives for the series as a whole.

Once the questions are completed, you will receive an email from Google forms with your responses. Please keep this – it provides the evidence of attendance and completion. Please note, separate CPD certificates will not be issued. If you can’t find the email, remember to check your spam folder and whitelist in your email system.

This session was recorded live on 19 March 2024. Stepping Up is a collaboration between Parlour, the Champions of Change Architecture Group and the Association of Consulting Architects.