What has changed for women in architecture over the last 40 years? Please take a short international survey, which follows up on a set of questions asked to women in architecture in 1975.

Forty years ago editor Monica Pidgeon sent letters to 100 women architects asking them: “What can women contribute that men can’t?” (and vice versa) and “What are the advantages or a disadvantages of being a woman in architecture.”
The responses were published in the AD issue on Women in Architecture (August 1975).
Now, Eva Alvarez is asking what has changed for women. She has set up a new survey – available in six languages – and encourages everyone to respond. Eva comments:
There are still not enough women in architecture and your help in responding to this survey will help gain a greater understanding of the issues.
Take the survey via the Women in Architecture website.
It takes no more than 10 minutes. Responses will be taken in total confidence and remain anonymous.
The survey closes February 24.