Where to next in the campaign for gender equity? Come to Participate to help set the course for our next 5 years, and yours!


Parlour is pleased to be collaborating with GET, the Australian Institute of Architects NSW Gender Equity Taskforce, on Participate, a workshop to help set a collective agenda for the next 5 years of gender equity advocacy.

The last 5 years have seen an enormous groundswell in research, advocacy and activism for gender equity. What do the next 5 years hold?

Join GET and Parlour at Participate to help assess what has been achieved so far and to chart what we will do next – from the bottom up, the top down, and everything in between – and consider what you can do yourself to help make a difference.

The first part of the event features short presentations from Parlour, GET, the Australian Institute of Architects National Committee for Gender Equity, and Champions of Change looking at what we have done, and what we have learnt. Then we break into four parallel workshops to help develop broad strategies for the next 5 years, looking at Knowledge, Policy, Culture and Practice. A panel discussion wraps up the afternoon, followed by drinks hosted by Parlour Partner AWS.


2–5pm, Thursday, 4 May


Barnet Long Room, Customs House, 31 Alfred Street, Sydney, NSW 2000


$10 concession (students and those not in full-time work)


Book online here


Parlour’s involvement in Participate is supported by Parlour event partner AWS, who are also hosting the after event drinks. Participate also benefits from in-kind support from UTS.