The Parlour website is edited by Justine Clark and Susie Ashworth.

The many contributors are found here.

Parlour identity

Catherine Griffiths of  Studio Catherine Griffiths developed the Parlour identity and typography. Read Catherine’s description of the identity design here.


Nick Bassett took much of the documentary photography used on early posts throughout the site, which is part of the visual sociology component of the research project.


Peter Johns and Jeanie Hague-Smith of Butterpaper built the website.
Peter also provides continual expertise, advice and feedback on its development and structure.

The website is built on the WordPress theme Sight, by WPShower.

Editorial and research support

Neph Wake and Byron Kinnaird worked as research assistants in the leadup to launching Parlour, and helped to collect and compile launch material and to draft content. Susanna Nelson sub-edited the early texts, followed by Kelly Adams and then Susie Ashworth became a core part of the editorial team.