The Australian Institute of Architects is conducting a survey on diversity and inclusion in the profession. We encourage everyone involved in Australian architecture to participate.

This survey will inform the development of a new Diversity and Inclusion Policy for the Institute. This will, in turn, inform advocacy and help develop education and networking programs. Here at Parlour, we welcome this new initiative, which builds on the Institute’s Gender Equity Policy (a policy that we worked incredibly hard to get off the ground with the Institute a decade ago, led by Naomi Stead.)

The data generated through the survey will also contribute to knowledge of the demographics of the profession. In particular, it will gather new knowledge about cultural diversity and socio-economic background. This will provide important information that will augment the data available through the Parlour Census Report (analysis of the most recent Census is underway right now by Gill Matthewson and Anwyn Hocking) and through the Wellbeing of Architects surveys and research. Make sure you take the follow up Wellbeing survey too!

The survey is open to all who “are studying or have studied architecture”. It aims to include those currently practicing and those who have practiced in the past. The survey includes questions about demographic, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, caring responsibilities, workplace conditions, experiences of disability and experiences of inclusion and discrimination with the workplace and the profession as a whole.

Survey closes 26 May 2023.

Image courtesy of the Australian Institute of Architects