Thanks for your interest in Marion’s List! Add your profile in three easy steps:

  1. Complete the form below to register for the Parlour website.
  2. You will be taken to a login page, then onwards to add your profile details.
  3. When you have completed your profile, click the red button to submit (approval may take a day or two).

Eligibility: Marion’s List is open to all women and gender-diverse people active in the built environment professions in Australia. People of all ages and career stages are welcome, as are those overseas who have connections to Australia.

Please email us if you encounter any difficulties.

  • Note: your username can’t be changed. It should not include spaces or punctuation.
    PLEASE don’t enter an email address here.
  • Please use an email address that will ensure long-term access.
  • Minimum length of 12 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Strong
    Strength indicator
  • Type your password again.
  • I promise I am not a robot spammer
  • Please refer to the Parlour Collective Fine Print and the Marion’s List Terms and Conditions.