Tania Davidge
architect, writer, researcher, educatorOoPLA (formerly openHAUS)
Tania Davidge is an architect, advocate, writer, researcher and educator. She has a Master’s degree in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University in New York and extensive experience in architecture, urban design and strategic design.
Tania is the co-founder of the architectural research practice, OoPLA (formerly OpenHAUS). At OoPLA, she focuses on engaging people and communities with architecture, cities and public space in creative ways.
Tania is a passionate advocate for public space. As the president of the public space advocacy group, Citizens for Melbourne, Tania led the successful ‘Our City, Our Square’ campaign opposing the demolition of Federation Square’s Yarra building and its replacement with an Apple store.
Tania provides analysis, research and commentary on what makes a vibrant and engaging public realm. She is currently undertaking PhD research at Melbourne University developing strategies for engaging public audiences with the public realm.
As an active member of the architectural community Tania writes regularly for architectural publications, is a past member of the Design Review Panel for the Office of Design and Architecture in South Australia and has served on multiple committees for the Australian Institute of Architects.