Natalie Galea
Senior Research FellowThe University of Sydney Business School
I am an expert in gender justice and human rights in the construction sector and human rights in elite sport.
I have conducted major research projects on gender equality in the construction sector, construction work schedules, and LGBTQ+ workers in the construction sector.
Within the sporting context, I have led research projects focused on athlete abuse and athlete's access to human rights and redress.
I collaborate internationally and nationally with scholars, business, government, trade unions, the media and NGOs.
I am a practiced facilitator, that also advises and consults to business, government and NGOs on a range of gender justice, inclusion and strategy matters.
Before I studied the construction sector, I worked in it. I spent near on two decades as a project manager delivering building, civil, defence and mining projects in Australia and the Middle East and North Africa.
I am an Australian Olympian.