Alison Potter
With more than 20 years experience, I have a passion for high-quality architectural and urban led outcomes which drive environmentally responsive, regenerative, and human experience-centred design.
My diverse international project experience spans public and private sectors, with extensive work across arts and culture, education, tourism, and city-shaping projects – working across multi-disciplinary teams.
I’ve worked on several award-winning architectural and urban design precincts from inception to completion, including masterplans for the University of Melbourne Fisherman’s Bend Campus and Fisherman’s Bend Innovation Precinct.
I believe in working collaboratively and inclusively to establish an ongoing connection to place which is ecological and whole-system driven — creating thriving, nurtured, and beautified spaces.
I’m also a member of the Australian Institute of Architects' Climate Action and Sustainability Taskforce and a member of the Office for Design and Architecture South Australia's design review panel advising on infrastructure and urban renewal projects.