Jill Gleave

Architect / Sole Practitioner
Human Spaces

It is humbling to be part of Marion’s list; Her legacy casts a vast net over this valuable group.

Human Spaces by Jill Gleave Architecture is my residential practice; Listening, Engaging, Creating.

My projects are often remote rural and water-access-only properties. On-site wastewater, stormwater flows, breezes, sunshine, weather protection and buildability are integral elements to my architecture. These elements are equally important for my work in urban and suburban neighbourhoods.

I am particularly interested in water cycles, both within our buildings and across the arbitrary boundaries placed over the land.

Promoting healthy river systems and wetland preservation is a passion of mine.

My clients are the best. They believe in themselves, are considerate of their neighbours and know their community matters. They appreciate that their land is part of the greater natural environment and best of all, we create fabulous homes together.

Interested in
Public speaking, Sessional teaching or crits, Writing, Mentoring, Expert comment