Kate Hislop
Dean/Head of SchoolUWA School of Design, The University of Western Australia
Dr Kate Hislop is a registered architect and has been an academic at UWA for over 20 years. She has been Dean and Head of the School of Design since 2017, in which role she is responsible for academic leadership across the disciplines of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Fine Arts and History of Art. Her research interests are in Australian architectural history, nineteenth-century visual culture, postcolonial studies, and suburban futures. She teaches in the design, professional practice, architectural history, and research streams within the Architecture program. Kate is active in the wider architectural community. She is an examiner for the Architects Board of WA’s Architectural Practice Examination (APE), Chair of the National Advisory Panel for the Architecture Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA), and was Co-convener with Hannah Lewi of the 2020 Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Conference.