Bernadette Hardy (nee Bellwood)
Cultural Researcher and Design for Autistic Culture (as a form of neurodiversity) from an Indigenous Standpoint.hardyhardy
Bernadette (B) Hardy is a Dharug & Gamilaraay spatial designer, PhD researcher and co-leader of hardyhardy, an interior and industrial design studio based on Dharug Nura.
B offers strategic cultural design and autistic (as a form of neurodivergence) spatial design advice for projects in the built
environment space, actively raising the voice of Country and autistic culture in the design process.
Driving her research and creative work is responsiveness to cultural obligation and lived experience, raising a family with autistic culture.
Much of her ancient knowledge and values have been shaped by her father, a Gamilaraay and Dharug master craftsman in the architecture and design industry for over forty years.
Under Jumbunna Scholarship with the University of Technology Sydney, B is undertaking a design-led Ph.D. that is exploring how people who live with autistic culture (as a form of neurodivergence) sense belonging within spatial design from an Indigenous Standpoint.
Using a methodology of 'Country Sensing Design' developed through her Ph.D. and design studio, hardyhardy, all research and design projects interweave intersectionality and two-eyed-seeing; Indigenous (Country as an active participant) and mainstream (Human Centered Design) worldviews. This gift of multiple perspectives, when braided mindfully together, allows and supports her clients to link knowledge systems, and worldviews and provide design solutions for that (re)awaken connection with Country, regenerate belonging; to ensure no one, human, non-human, or more-than-human are left behind.