Ivana Glavinic May
Principal Project Manager Factory of the FutureFlinders University
With a career spanning over 20 years, Ivana has strong project management experience working across the state government departments and tertiary education sector.
As a client-side project manager, Ivana has a diverse skillset including strategic planning, program and project delivery, feasibility studies, procurement, facilities, and asset management. She is passionate about delivering innovative projects that are environmentally sustainable, socially impactful and drive lasting economic growth.
Ivana is a recipient of the prestigious Maurie Pawsey scholarship from Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA) for the campus master plan study tour.
Currently in a role of the Principal Project Manager for the Factory of the Future at Tonsley, she works closely with the university community and all levels of government on planning, management, and delivery of the facility to support education, research, and industry engagement.