Flavia Marcello
ProfessorSynergy3 Consulting, Swinburne University
Dr. Flavia Marcello is Director of Synergy3 Consulting and Professor at Swinburne University’s School of Design and Architecture and member of the Centre for Transformative Media Technologies. She has been part of the Swinburne Women’s Academic Network since 2015 where she has led, contributed to and helped build the Peer Promotions, Career Development and Grant-writing programs and has won government funding to advance women in STEM careers. She teaches architectural design, history and theory with a particular focus on global and social themes and leads a research team of virtual heritage, user-experience experts and VR artists who recreate embodied experiences of past exhibitions and temporary pavilions. Her research also delves into Classical reception studies, the politics of monuments and public space, the legacy of Fascism in contemporary society and Italian prisoners of war in Australia during World War II. She is a world expert on the art, architecture and design of the Italian Fascist and post-war periods and has published numerous articles in leading journals. She is author of two books: on Italian-Istrian architect Giuseppe Pagano-Pogatschnig (Intellect, 2020) and the legacy of Fascism in contemporary Rome (Bloomsbury, 2024).