Talina Edwards
Talina Edwards has been recognised as an industry leader, known for her sustainable architecture and is a passionate advocate for building a better future.
Talina has received many awards recognising her meaningful contributions to sustainability and her advocacy roles as Board Director at Australian Passive House Association, Co-ordinator of Australian Architects Declare, and for the ArchiTeam Advocacy committee.
Talina is a registered Architect and Certified Passive House Designer and is currently undertaking the Living Future Accreditation course to pursue her regenerative-design ethos.
She is a director of Envirotecture (a carbon-neutral practice) and runs the Victorian office which is based in Wadawurrung country (Ballarat). Envirotecture has another office in Sydney, with projects across Australia.
The core value of the business is to create healthy, beautiful, functional, comfortable and sustainable architecture which combines building science and biophilic design (our innate connection to nature) to respond to our purpose to care for country and cultivate a living future for all.
Talina regularly speaks and presents about the topics of healthy, sustainable and regenerative homes - from being a keynote presenter at both International and National conferences, to giving talks at local sustainable building expos, to speaking at industry events or lecturing to university/TAFE students.