Noor Shamsul

Senior Planner
Niche Planning Studio

Noor is a qualified urban and regional planner based in Melbourne. Noor has extensive experience as a private consultant and as a town planner within local council. As a private consultant Noor helps individuals and companies navigate through the planning process across metropolitan and regional Victoria. Her strength is in project management and providing advice as to the best and most efficient way to obtain planning permits, the 'developability' of land, obtaining better commercial outcomes for large structure planning/masterplanning of communities and providing clients with holistic strategies to rezone or develop land in the long run. During her time as a local government planner, Noor assessed and issued planning permits for a variety of different applications such as residential, commercial and industrial developments. Her experience with local government ensures she has a deep understanding of Council processes and timeframes. In her free time, Noor enjoys scuba diving and is an active contributor to planning education at a graduate and post graduate level in RMIT and Melbourne University, tutoring students about structure planning and planning law.

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