Ilana Kister
Architectural design directorKister Architects
I am the design architect and director of Kister Architects, a design focused architectural office practising in Melbourne. I completed architecture with honours at RMIT and have been running my own practice since 2001. I have an office of 2 staff and work with female architectural contractors depending on the scale of each job. My focus is predominantly residential architecture with some commercial/health care projects.
I am primarily interested in testing new materials and the use everyday materials in innovative ways to create energy and space efficiency. Each project is unique, site specific, responds to the client's brief, the typography, memory and context. I strive to integrate architecture, interiors and landscape for a seamless environment while prioritising subtle detailing, lighting and volumes that create special moments.
In addition to running my own practice, I have have 3 gorgeous daughters aged 11, 9 and 5, who have grown up on building sites. I love that architecture allows me to integrate two of my passions, design and family.