Zoë Fitzherbert-Smith
ArchitectSam Crawford Architects
Zoë Fitzherbert-Smith (BDesArch, MArch) is an architect currently based in Sydney. Her professional story to date has been set across three Australian states and Munich, where she spent two years indulging her love for the German language and detailing tradition. Zoë maintains a strong connection to Germany and encourages cross-cultural exchanges as a way of ensuring that the pool of broad and localised architectural knowledge remains shared and fluid across the globe.
With a passion for personal interaction and hand-crafted detail, Zoë has found her niche in the micro side of architecture. She delights in bringing fresh life and whimsy to a place and illuminating its story and that of its inhabitants. When not practising, she is known amongst her students for the infectious enthusiasm that imbues her lively teaching style.
Since 2013, Zoë has called Sam Crawford Architects home.